Wesley - you are two months old! We are thrilled and blessed to have you as part of our family. So, what are you up to these days??
- We think you weigh about 11lbs (so says the bathroom scale at home!) but will get your official weight this week at your 2 month checkup. Your eyes are still blue and getting brighter by the day. You lost a bunch of hair at the front of your head and are now starting to grow it back. You wear size 1 diapers and are already growing out of 0-3 month clothes mostly due to your length.
- We think you weigh about 11lbs (so says the bathroom scale at home!) but will get your official weight this week at your 2 month checkup. Your eyes are still blue and getting brighter by the day. You lost a bunch of hair at the front of your head and are now starting to grow it back. You wear size 1 diapers and are already growing out of 0-3 month clothes mostly due to your length.
- You started smiling at about 5 weeks and now have added some "co-ing" to the mix. You are trying so hard to talk to us! It is very obvious that you know who mommy, daddy, and your big brother are and you love to stare at us. You are beginning to track objects and have made a new friend with the birdie on your bouncy seat. You also are very patient (most of the time) with all the lovin that Xavier likes to give to you.
- You prefer to be held upright and love to "stand". You have been enjoying time on your activity mat kicking your legs like a mad man, and are getting quite good at holding your head up when you're on your stomach. You spit up A LOT (possibly a bit of reflux) but most of the time it doesn't seem to bother you. Mommy is going crazy with the amount of laundry you make, but that's just life!
- At night you sleep (swaddled) in the pack n play next to our bed. You usually go to bed around 8:30pm, wake around 2-3am to eat, then go back to sleep until about 6am. You have no routine for naps yet and sleep at various times throughout the day. Your favorite napping spot is the swing and you'll often sleep for 3 hours in there. Some days though you decide you barely want to sleep at all during the day (those days are a little rough!)
- You are doing great with nursing and like to eat about every 2-3 hours during the day unless you're taking a long nap. You have yet to take a bottle except for 1 oz as a trial and you didn't really like it. What you do like though is your binker and it's a great soother when you are fussy. Xavier has started to try and put it in your mouth but you're not thrilled with his sometimes "less than gentle" approach.
- Unfortunately you hate being in your car seat or riding in the car 90% of the time. We sometimes try to plan outings when you are getting tired in hopes that you'll fall asleep. You can't keep your binker in very well so that means Mommy and Daddy become contortionists trying to reach in the backseat to put it back into your mouth. We've had to remove the Bundle Me from your car seat because you would get yourself so worked up that you'd be covered in sweat when we reached our destination. When we get home, if you are awake, you like to scream until we take you out of the car seat and then you are perfectly fine.
-You finally lost your umbilical cord after almost 7 1/2 weeks so you can now get baths in the baby tub. And you LOVE IT! Once your booty hits the water your eyes get wide, you try to talk, and you kick your arms and legs with excitement. We give you a bath each night before bed. You also took your first Jacuzzi bath with Xavier this past weekend.
Happy 2 months to our "Wessa Blessa"!
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