Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sit Still, Will Ya!

Trying to get a good photo when small children are involved is never and easy task. But, some of the "out-takes" actually end up to be the best because they depict real life better than the posed pictures.

My conversation with Xavier:

"Can you sit down please?"

"Ok, well, not there -- can you sit on Daddy's lap please?"

"Go ahead, sit on his lap Xavier, sit with Daddy."

" I know you want to love on your brother, but can you look at mommy please so we can take the picture?"

"Xavier....Xavier....Xaaavvvviiiieeeerr! Look at mommy buddy. I'm going to take your picture with Daddy and Wes."

And after about 20 tries, we finally got a keeper! My boys (all 3 of them!) are so darn cute!

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