Monday, April 30, 2012

Making Room for More Fun

Last weekend we cut down a dead pine tree in our backyard. Doesn't Walter look cute with a chain saw??!!!

The boys got a kick out of standing on the stump.  X was quite the site in his bike helmet, mickey jacket, camo pj pants, and black crocks - ha!

 The boys were actually very helpful in cleaning up the tree. They moved logs and branches for us. And Elliott took a nap inside which is how he is most helpful :)

Walter did a little stump art for the boys. My picture is upside down, but it has everyone's favorite letters on it. L for Xavier, K for Wes, and E for Elliott.

Cutting down the tree made room for our latest Craigslist find.......

 This is the new view from our deck! We got a swingset. The boys are thrilled played on it all afternoon.  They were quite the helpers too as daddy and grandpa put it all together.

This marks the last foot in the grave of suburban parenthood :)  Oh well, I'm looking forward to many many hours of children running around making themselves exhausted. Who wants to come over and play???

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