Tuesday, April 10, 2012

4 Has Been a Big Year Already

It seems like a lot of things are changing since X turned 4. Some great, some not so great. But let's focus on the great for the most part :)

X has finally learned how to buckle himself in and out of his car seat. I can't tell you the joy that brings me since I still have 2 others kids to buckle. And he's soooo proud of himself when he does it.

X is riding his bike like a mad man. He's getting really good and fast. We are thinking of trying to see if he can learn to ride without training wheels this summer. How old are kids when they usually learn that???

X learned to blow his nose. This one seems late in coming, but it's a hard thing to teach someone. This came in quite handy recently when he had a monster runny nose for over a week solid. Poor kiddo got his upper lip completely chapped. He looked like he had a koolaid mustache all the time.

X has an awesome imagination. He loves to play pretend and act out little scenes with his race cars or various props. I'm not quite sure what he was supposed to be here though....

X has become a more adventurous eater. He's always done ok for his age, but lately he's more willing to try new things and is actually liking some things that surprise me. It's been awesome, and healthy! I love to see him sit down to dinner and eat all his acorn quash before anything else.

X plays hard. And sometimes he just can't play anymore and falls asleep sitting up.

X absolutely LOVES preschool. He was so disappointed when it was spring break last week. He kept saying "Mommy I really think we need to go to preschool. I think my teachers are waiting for me."  Before the break the kids had an Easter Egg Hunt at school. It was a sea of 3 and 4 year olds (X is in the orange shirt) and we came home with more candy than needed. X was really nice about sharing with Wesley since Wes wasn't there. While I wasn't thrilled about all the candy, the kindness won me over a little bit.

The highlight of X's month has been the Resurrection Eggs. He plays with them EVERY day and has memorized the entire story. He loves it. And it's so much fun to see him take an interest in understanding the true meaning of Easter. He's even gotten Wesley to memorize some of it!!

And even though this isn't a good part of being 4, it's reality. X had gotten his goldfish crackers taken away for not listening. I find it funny to that for some reason X absolutely loves to watch this video of himself.

I can only imagine what he'll be doing in the next few months. 

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