Monday, April 30, 2012

Making Room for More Fun

Last weekend we cut down a dead pine tree in our backyard. Doesn't Walter look cute with a chain saw??!!!

The boys got a kick out of standing on the stump.  X was quite the site in his bike helmet, mickey jacket, camo pj pants, and black crocks - ha!

 The boys were actually very helpful in cleaning up the tree. They moved logs and branches for us. And Elliott took a nap inside which is how he is most helpful :)

Walter did a little stump art for the boys. My picture is upside down, but it has everyone's favorite letters on it. L for Xavier, K for Wes, and E for Elliott.

Cutting down the tree made room for our latest Craigslist find.......

 This is the new view from our deck! We got a swingset. The boys are thrilled played on it all afternoon.  They were quite the helpers too as daddy and grandpa put it all together.

This marks the last foot in the grave of suburban parenthood :)  Oh well, I'm looking forward to many many hours of children running around making themselves exhausted. Who wants to come over and play???

Saturday, April 28, 2012


I'm in love with the Instagram app on my phone. It's easy, quick, and makes my mediocre pictures look so much more appealing.


A New Playground...with Water

Friday, April 27, 2012

Easter and Birthday Weekend...and an IPhone for me

This year Walter's Birthday fell on the Saturday of Easter weekend. It worked out nice for him because he had a long weekend off work. But that also meant he wanted to stretch out his birthday hub-ub longer.

First thing Friday Walter went and got me an IPhone because my phone was ready for an upgrade. I love it. I'm totally behind the times on most technology so I'm just discovering all these great things you can do that I'm sure people have been doing for years already. But it's new to me and it's fun! It was great timing too because I could spend all weekend taking pictures since the camera on it is better than my regular digital camera.

We spent the rest of Good Friday at home having some relaxed good old fashioned family time. Walter took X fishing in the backyard. They caught some really BIG fish - ha! 

The kiddos played outside (in their pjs). I snapped pictures and unsuccessfully tried to get a group shot.

Saturday we went to Walter's mom's country place. There was a lot of 4 wheeler riding, lizard catching, bubble blowing, and Easter egg hunting going on.

And of course there was a birthday to celebrate complete with pickup truck cake!


Sunday morning we went to church and attended an amazing worship service. Then it was back home for lunch and naps. Later in the day we went to my mom's house for more Easter baskets (of which a rubber snake was a HUGE hit), egg hunts, birthday stuff for Walter, and yet another unsuccessful attempt at a quick family photo!

And that folks, was Easter/Bday Weekend 2012.