Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Wesley at 2 Years Old

Wes turned 2 on January 1st.

Wes is an amazing little kid. He's a lot of fun and mischievous all at the same time. Here's what he's up to:

- Wes weighs 30 lbs and is 35 1/4 inches tall. He's still got that big baby belly and rounded chubby cheeks. He's wearing size 7 shoe and size 2T and 3T clothing.

-Wesley is an excellent sleeper. He's super easy to put to bed -- toss him in the crib with his binker and lovey and he's good to go. Wes usually sleeps about 11 hours at night and takes a 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon. He definitely inherited his daddy's love of sleep. He's still in the crib because he loves it (he told me he doesn't want to sleep in a big boy bed) so we've decided to keep him there indefinitely. Wes is now sharing a room with Xavier and seems to like that.

- Our little 2 year old is an EXTREMELY picky eater. He has his favorites and they are mostly carbs and fruits, and some some meats. And he drinks a lot of milk. Wes is very resistant to trying new foods and if he refuses to eat something that's pretty the end of story. He won't eat any veggies except pumpkin, unless it's hidden in something (like squash in pancakes or carrots in smoothies). I continue to serve him veggies every day even though they go uneaten. We are trying to teach him the "age" bite rule (since he's 2 years old he has to take at least 2 bites of everything on his plate). It works great with X, but W doesn't quite get it yet.

- Wesley speaks VERY well for his age. He talks in full sentences, and is pretty understandable. He's getting better at speaking with correct grammar and tense too. He can articulate what he wants or what has happened with pretty good accuracy. It's amazing to me because I know X didn't speak like this at age 2. We give a lot of the credit to X because he and Wes interact so much. Wesley also has a pretty good memory and will recall events at random times - ha! He's beginning to identify letters and colors. He really likes the letter K and the color green!

- X has also influenced Wes' gross motor skills. Wesley watches X do things and wants to repeat. He recently learned to jump, he's been riding a tricycle for a few months, and last week he learned how to ride a scooter. The boy can climb all over the furniture and playgrounds. He's pretty fearless. Wes can hold his own at the local Bounce House place with the bigger kids :)

- Trains are Wesley's big love right now. There are train tables at church and the library that he adores. It's fun to watch how focused he gets. We have a small train track at home and he loves to point out to me what is the locomotive, coal car, and caboose. My parents had a small  battery powered train set up around their Christmas tree and it captivated Wes every time. He would even dream about it I think because he would talk about that train first thing in the morning when I would come to get him out of the crib.

- In addition to trains, Wes loves playing with racecars and reading books. His favorite book right now is "If  You Give A Dog a Donut". He likes to watch Mickey on TV and do pretty much anything that Xavier is doing.

- Wesley is a funny little boy and already knows how to make people laugh by being silly. He's also stubborn and when he doesn't want to comply he will just lay on the ground...anywhere...especially parking lots (not my favorite thing!) He's familiar with time out and likes to reprimand Xavier. Wesley is a very cuddly little boy too. He loves to be held and kissed and tickled.

- It still seems strange that Wes is already a big brother. Wes likes Elliott, but would rather interact with Xavier ( you know, because E still doesn't do much). I will be interested to see how that relationship changes as Elliott gets a little older.

We love you Wessa!! Can't wait for another fun year!

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