Monday, January 16, 2012

Elliott - 6 Months

E Baby -- you are six months old today!!!

To look at Elliott people often think he's older than he is. Because he's HUGE! Elliott weighs 19 lbs and 27 1/2 inches long, wears size 3 diapers (size 4 overnight) and wears 9-12 month clothing. He's continues to be our biggest baby at this age.

Elliott has the best smile we see it all the time. He's got a cute little laugh too! Elliott STILL wants to be held...ALL.DAY.LONG. He's a big ol' snuggly fat baby!! This is my biggest challenge though because some days it's almost impossible to accomplish anything (even feeding and dressing the other boys) because he will cry the second you put him down. And at 19 lbs he gets heavy quickly! He's absolutely fine too because he he smiles and laughs the second you pick him up. Elliott loves mama to hold him most. This is adorable and maddening at the same time. He'll be content with someone else, but if I come into his line of sight it's all over. He'll start fussing and crying until I take him. He totally knows how to work the situation. :)

Sleep is going much better than at 4 months. He's been in his own room for a few weeks now and that has been wonderful for us and him.. Elliott is now on a more predictable routine with 2-3 naps a day. He goes to bed at 7pm and sleeps about 12 hours. He gets up usually 2-3 times a night, nurses, and goes back to sleep very quickly. He's getting better at putting himself to sleep too. Also, a big relief..... E no longer hates the car and is most often content in the carseat. Can I get an amen for that one!!!

We started some solids at 5 1/2 months with Elliott because we were desperately trying to see if ANYTHING would make him sleep better. (who knows if it has, or if its the room change, or the stars aligned, or what...) It took a few days for him to get the hang of spoon feeding and swallowing, but now he LOVES it. So far he's eaten rice cereal, peas, pumpkin, applesauce, and squash. He's not too sure about the peas. He's eating solids at dinner time and occasionally at lunch. I am nursing Elliott and that's going great. E still won't take a bottle, but I keep trying. (As a side note, I totally used to think that it was a bunch of crap when people said their child wouldn't take a bottle, like they were not trying hard enough. Now I know it's real...because I've been trying to do it for 6 months!) At least now that he's eating a few solids I might be able to sneak away for a bit longer knowing he won't starve to death. He's also really interested in what we are eating.

E baby has been sitting up for about a month now. He's still a little unsteady if it's a soft surface, like a bed.  He is content to sit and plays with some toys for a few minutes here and there. Elliott doesn't roll over much. He's done it a few times, but it's not a regular occurrence. He never rolls in his sleep either. He doesn't like being laid down, and so he probably just hasn't had enough practice. The doctor said it's actually pretty common to skip milestones. Elliott is grabbing for things (toys, my hair, anything I'm holding) and puts everything in his mouth.

We love Elliott so much. He has a zillion nicknames already, given to him by us and his brother. E loves X and W too. He lights up when they talk to him and love on him.

Happy 6 months baby boy!

1 comment:

Andrea C said...

Ok, all babies are cute, BUT, this baby is EXCEPTIONALLY cute. His big smile, and his little dumpling shape (William is a dumpling too, I love dumpling babies), are so endearing, I just want to jump on a plane and come squeeze his little cheeks!!!!! That's so great that he's sleeping so much better! I hope getting a little more rest is starting to add up for you, I know it takes a while after a period of sleep deprivation to start actually feeling less exhausted.