We love Xavier so much and it's been really fun to watch him grow into a little boy.
AND NOW.......
Here's what he's up to these days.........
Everything has to be in "big pieces". If his food is cut too small, he freaks out!
Seeing gas trucks are the highlight of his life (they are going to the gas station to fill up the gas PWUMPS). Hearing and spotting airplanes in the sky is also high on the list (all planes are going to U-NORK {new york} to see Uncle Dave)
Weighs 37lbs. Wearing size 4T and 5T clothes and 10 - 11 shoe. I don't have a height measurement, but he's definitely tall for his age.
Getting better at dressing himself. Is lazy about it, but capable of everything except getting a shirt over his head. He still wants to wear "jibbies" ALL.THE.TIME though!
Riding a big boy bike with training wheels. He also learned to ride a Power wheel at the neighbors and loved it! X really enjoys going to playgrounds and I'm amazed at what he can now climb up all by himself.
Memorizing books like crazy. Loves all things Curious George related.
Lots of imaginary play. Likes to pretend he's cooking you a steak and then handing it to you. Wes is starting to imitate X's pretend play motions and sometimes they get along! Also loves to pretend he's on the phone calling people.
Lately responding with "sure" instead of "yes".
Naps are starting to become a little hit and miss (my biggest fear -- I am soooooo NOT ready for him to stop napping). Night time sleep the past few weeks has been really challenging. X is having some nightmares that are waking him up and some kind of cough/allergy. He seems to come and go with good sleep every few months.
Talking about going to preschool a little. Also talking about when "baby pluto" is coming to live with us.
Very particular about what streets we go on in our subdivision. If he doesn't want to go down a certain street he will tell me it's closed because he peed on it.
Loves to play cars and trucks. Not exactly thrilled to be sharing those cars and trucks with little brother though.
Becoming more social and interacting with other kids. He stills does parallel play in some group settings. X really enjoys playing with the neighbor kids.
Can write one or two letters and draw a couple of shapes.
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