Sunday, June 26, 2011

39 Weeks

Baby #3 is 39 weeks today!

Have I mentioned I'm soooooo over being pregnant? Oh, I have...well, I'm saying it again.

To date I have gained 42 lbs and am now at my LIFETIME highest weight ever. And I can say for sure that I never want to be at this weight again. Hopefully that will be motivation for me to get and stay thin and fit :) The baby is moving sooooo much and it's actually getting quite painful at times. I think he/she wants out just as much as me! Despite me feeling like this baby is going to crush me, my doctor says the baby is still high. I have a very annoying cough right now that I caught from the boys. Unfortunately I can't take much for it.

I am getting REALLY excited about having this baby. At this point the gender suspense is pretty much killing me. I want to know!!! And I want to share the name!!! I feel like we've barely spoken the names we have chosen this time around. That is mostly in part to the fact that we decided not to let X know the names either for fear he would spill the beans. I just can't wait to snuggle a little newborn again. And I can't wait for my "vacation" at the hospital. Seeing as it's the only place I'll be traveling this summer I plan to try and enjoy every minute of my room service and having no laundry to fold.

Our neighbors had their first baby this past week. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't jealous that she is now on the other side of the pregnancy thing. Not that a newborn is easy peasy (well, actually, thinking of just having 1 newborn and no other kids to take care of....that does sound easy!!!) but at least you can breathe a little better without kicks to your ribcage!

So we are just kind of waiting around for this baby to come. Walter's class finished a week early so any time now would work out just fine. I would love to go a little early :) The plan is to have another VBAC so despite my complaining I'm committed to waiting it out.

Tonight we are headed out to dinner and a musical with my brother. Probably our last night out for awhile!

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