Sunday, June 12, 2011

37 Weeks

Baby #3 is 37 weeks today.

If you can notice that I'm slightly annoyed in this picture you are very observant.

I'm just pretty much miserable. I hate to be a "debbie downer" but it's just how I feel. Everything hurts, all the time, I can't sleep, can't eat, can't move, am always hot, getting sick at night frequently, can't fit into any clothes, and have zero energy. Oh, and I cut my hair this week.....and I HATE IT!!!! I've heard you should never cut your hair late in a pregnancy and now I know why. It's too short, too "bob-ish" and does nothing for my expanding face. This pic is misleading -- it's much shorter looking head on. Thankfully hair grows (but not quick enough!)

I hadn't really mentioned it before, but Walter has been traveling M-F for the last 4 weeks in a row. That has really taken a toll on me physically since it makes my days with the boys that much longer (and my patience that much shorter). And both boys have been having their own sleeping issues so that means I've been getting even less rest. Thankfully Walter is done traveling for awhile.

While I may not be doing so well, the baby is doing great as far as we can tell. He/she is measuring on target, heart rate is good, fetal movement is good, and my blood pressure is normal. So, that's really what's more important than my aching self.

I finally accomplished going through the boys closets to make room in anticipation of merging their stuff. Baby #3 now has some space for his/her things. I set up the pack n play next to our bed and loaded our nightstand with diapers (totally forgot how small size 1 diapers are - geesh!) I got a new baby swing since ours stopped working and I'm desperately trying to keep the boys from breaking it before the baby is even here to enjoy it :)

I've been craving Red Vines licorice, peanut butter, and chips and cheese lately. I've also been making yogurt smoothies from the strawberries we picked a few weeks ago that I froze. Yum! I even added some carrot puree to the smoothie for some added veggie. It's been a nice healthy pick me up on a hot day.

So I'm now on weekly doctor appointments until the baby is born. I'd love for this baby to come a little early, but Walter finishes his summer class on June 30th so he'd really like to get that wrapped up first. Guess we'll just wait and see what happens!

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