One Month -- Started smiling! Nursing pretty well and gaining weight. Drank from a bottle a few times. Sleeping in mommy and daddy's room alternating between the pack n play and the bouncy seat at night. Sleeping about 4 hour stretches.
2Months -- A blur :( If I remember right she didn't really like anyone but me. That was rough.
3Months -- A blur :( She wasn't sleeping well at all and I was exhausted.
4 Months --Rolled from her tummy to her back a few times but then stopped. Moved into sleeping in her own room with a combo of part of the night in her crib and part of the night in her bouncy seat. She refused to take a bottle AT ALL from about 6 weeks until 4 months.
Some things to note in general about baby girl:
She doesn't like pacifiers and won't use them. It's so strange because the boys all LOVED the "bink bink". So it's been a learning curve as to how to sooth her. I think it's made her extra attached to mommy for comfort as well as wanting to always nurse to sleep.
The boys have done so well with her! Xavier is obsessed and in her face all the time. Elliott wants to be with her but it's not overkill. Wesley isn't as interested in the baby thing but he likes to rub her head when no one is looking.
She likes to be held...a lot! She's also very attached to sleeping in her bouncy seat at night and spits up a lot if laying flat. Speaking of spitup...she is the queen! Had to buy extra burp cloths when she was born because I couldn't keep up. It was crazy!
She has the sweetest smile and some crazy hair. I've really enjoyed having a girl and the different clothes and hair bows.
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