Friday, July 31, 2015

Pregnancy Pics - Talia

Quick Recap of Talia's pregnancy:
With each pregnancy I get a little worse at taking pictures. So these are pretty random. But it's all I've got so I still want to remember it.

9 Weeks
 13 Weeks
 13 Weeks
 18 Weeks

 19 Weeks -- It's a Girl Cake Pops

 21 Weeks
 28 Weeks
 32 Weeks
 36 Weeks
 37 Weeks
 39 Weeks
 39 Weeks in a Swimsuit -- AHHH!!!
 39 Weeks
 39.5 Weeks -- Induction Day

As you can see toward the end of the pregnancy I had about 2 shirts left that still fit me :) This was my toughest pregnancy yet. LOTS of sickness in the beginning. Always tired because I was chasing after 3 kids. Terrible sleep most of the pregnancy. No significant swelling or stretchmarks though. Just lots of baby weight :)

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