So now some stuff is actually starting to happen!
At 5 months Miss T started sitting up. She loves it!
At 6 months Talia got her first 2 teeth. The bottom front ones. Teething wasn't too bad with those I guess because it was kind of like one day I just noticed there were little teeth that had just popped through! We also started some solid food this month. She's not too sure and took a few weeks to eat more than a few spoonfuls at a time. I'm doing a combo of purees and baby led weaning (just going straight to big chunks of food the self-feed). She's had a variety of fruits and veggies.
At 7 months Talia is finally sleeping full time in her crib at night. We just bid goodbye to the bouncy seat on the floor next to the crib that she prefered to sleep in. She was darn near too big for it. Her legs were hanging out and her head was at the top. It wasn't an easy transition as she did NOT like sleeping flat, but it's done! Talia stays cozy in her sleep sack at night and she still gets up 2-3 times a night to eat. She also started saying "mama" for her first word and a few "dada" here and there this month. Yay!!! She's babbling tons and blowing rasberries with her tongue. She's still not rolling again but she's scooting in a circle in a small area and she's reaching out to try and pull up on people. Baby girl is quite large. She's just shy of 20 lbs, wears size 4 diapers and size 12-18 month clothes.
At 8 months Talia started crawling. It was actually on her 8th month bday to be exact! She loves it and is enjoying the freedom that comes with that. She also cut her top front tooth and is really gaining some personality with that toothy smile. She's starting to eat more baby food but isn't as interested in it as the boys were.
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