Monday, December 31, 2012

A Sleeping Christmas and A Train Shop

I have almost no pictures of Christmas. It was just a bunch of sickness around here. Poor Xavier, every time we turned around we found him like this. He slept through our entire Christmas morning brunch. At one point he was sleeping about 12 hours at night and taking 2 naps each day.

We did go to my mom's house on Christmas Eve. The boys never got out of their pjs that day. X did come off the couch for a few minutes to sing Happy Birthday to me :)


A few days later when everyone was feeling a little better we went to a train store. So fun! My attempt to get a picture of all my boys...sigh :(

They had huge train tables set up for the kids to play on. And it was FREE!

It was nice to get our of the house after so many days of being cooped up!

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