Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Wesley is 3

Happy 3rd Birthday Wesley!!!!

You, sweet boy, were SOOOO excited to turn 3. We started the morning with birthday pancakes

And ended the day with Birthday Cake. You requested a Red Milk Tank car, but mommy was able to persuade you into having a green Milk Tank Car because red frosting is soooo difficult to get right.

 Wes you have such a unique personality. You can be fun loving and challenging practically all in the same moment.  You are determined to do things yourself quite often. Even if it doesn't work out like you'd planned (see below  -- Wes vs Smoothie)

You love race cars and anything to do with trains. You have quite the imagination when playing and love to run around singing and pretending to fly things through the air.

You can be soooo silly -- with your expressions as well as your words.

Wesley you have a wonderful smile that can light up a room and warm our hearts.

 Do not be fooled though. You are STUBBORN to the core. When you get something in your mind you dig your heels in like no other child I've known. (see below -- you fell asleep for nap in the doorway to your room after you threw a fit about not wanting to be in your bed and take a nap. Oh my!)

Happy Birthday Munch!

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