Monday, December 17, 2012

FIVE { Xavier }

Happy 5th Birthday to the sweet boy that made us parents! We love you so much Xavier!

Xavier has been asking for a stoplight cake for his birthday for at least 6 months. He was so excited with this! (He placed all the candles himself).

We didn't do a birthday party this year, but I was going to have 2 of his preschool friends over for a play date on his birthday since he doesn't have school on Monday's. Unfortunately I had to cancel that since Elliott is so sick (more on that later). Thankfully I hadn't told X ahead of time so he was none the wiser. We will have to reschedule. 

Since E was sick, Grandma Debbie offered to take X and Wes out to lunch at Wendy's (their favorite place) to celebrate and then we had cake at home.

Can't believe we now have been parents for 1/2 of a decade. X was really looking forward to being 5. From the picture below it looks like he's all choked up about this big milestone!

1 comment:

Julie Lowery said...

I cannot believe it has been 5 years already!!! I remember this like it was yesterday :)