Thursday, February 10, 2011


Yesterday I had my 20 week (although technically I'm only 19.5 weeks) ultrasound for baby #3. In a stroke of luck for us, the technician was training someone so we got to see the baby longer than normal so the trainee could get in some practice time! I love having ultrasounds. I am always amazed at what you can see and what is going on inside of me.

The baby is doing great and everything looks normal - whew!. The heartbeat was ranging from 145-155bpm. Baby is about 11 oz right now. This one's a mover too. At the beginning of the ultrasound he/she was head up and facing right. By the end of the ultrasound he/she was head down facing left. At one point we saw the baby reach his/her hand up and scratch the top of his/her head. So neat!

As with our other kiddos we opted not to find out the gender. We are a minority according to the technician. I laughed when she told me that when she was pregnant she would scan herself almost every day and determined the sex of her baby at 14 weeks.

Here's our baby! The quality isn't great. I was too lazy to go downstairs and scan it, so I just took a picture of the picture with my camera. You can still see the cute profile though. Can't wait to see what he/she looks like in person this summer!

1 comment:

Andrea C said...

Yay what fun!