Sunday, February 27, 2011

22 Weeks - Redemption

I'm redeeming myself from last week's picture. I was looking halfway decent so I made Walter take a picture of me right after I finished getting dressed. You know, before anyone could drool on me, wipe their crummy little hands on me, or try to mess up my hair.

So here is me and Baby #3 at 22 weeks. I've decided that black is my new best friend :)

Not too much has changed since last week. It does seem like overnight though a bunch of clothes don't fit me anymore. Boo hoo on that! I can definitely tell I'm gaining weight all over instead of just in my stomach. BIG boo hoo on that!

I've been around people drinking wine and margaritas twice this week and I have to say that I'd REALLY like to be able to partake in that goodness! I'm not a big drinker at all. I maybe have 10 drinks a year, but it never fails that when I'm pregnant a glass of wine sounds really good.

The baby still kicks a lot. One time this week he/she kicked so hard that I thought Wes had stepped on my stomach (he was right next to me and my head was turned). I was shocked that the baby could kick that hard already.

I had a dream last night that I was watching a video of the future and that this baby was a boy. So now that means I've had a boy dream and a girl dream. Xavier is still sticking to his guns. Every time you ask him if the baby is a girl or boy he says GIRL. The gender question is on my mind a lot more this time around.

The boys are napping so I'm off to get in a nap too. This mama is ALWAYS tired these days.

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