Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I Need to Write That Down

Xavier is saying and doing some really funny things lately and I don't want to forget them. Here's a few funny phrases that have come out of his mouth recently......

(totally random) "Mom, I don't have a receptionist, I just have a phone."
(getting ready for my gma's funeral) "Mommy, after Mia's funeral let's go to the store and get Strawberry Mini Wheats."
(during my gma's funeral mass) "Mommy, did you see Jesus' bathtub (the baptismal font) back there?"

Lately we have had much success using the microwave timer as a 3rd party motivator to get X to transition to something different. He may refuse to come eat dinner if I just ask him to come to the table, but if I set the timer for 1 minute then when it goes off he will get right in his chair. What's ridiculous though is that he just stands behind his chair for that minute staring at the timer waiting for it to go off. Why not just get in the chair to begin with? It's not like he's using that minute to go play. CONTROL ISSUES!!!!!

The other night X kept asking us over and over to take him to "Professor Von Drake's House" (a character from Mickey). But he couldn't tell us where the professor lived. So while we were on our way home from small group a few hours later, Walter and I decided to humor him (and in an effort to silence him) and we drove around looking for a completely dark house. We pulled in the driveway of a random house, told X that this was the professor's house, but explained that there were no lights on so the professor must not be home. X was slightly taken aback that we actually found the house, but was satisfied with this and decided we should try back later. So we backed out of the driveway and continued on our way home.  THE THINGS YOU WILL DO TO APPEASE YOUR CHILDREN.

X also decided to get me at my own game recently. He loves to drive down this certain street (Street B) in our neighborhood on our way home. It's out of our way and sometimes I just want to get home. So when it snowed last week I told him we couldn't go that way because there was too much snow on that street. Fast forward to yesterday and he decides to tell me we can't go the regular way (Street A) because there is too much snow on that street and we need to go Street B (his favorite way). Sneaky little guy!!!

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