My poor little Wessa is having such a rough time. After another night of fevers I took him to the doctor this morning to find out he has his first ear infection.....and probably a flu virus. So right now he has a fever, an inflamed ear, a very snotty nose, a nasty cough, a sore throat, a wicked sneeze, and eyes that just won't stop watering. I'm literally chasing him down with a kleenex every 4 minutes. He's lost 10 oz since last week because he will not each much beyond fruit and cheerios. Thankfully I did get him to drink more today than yesterday.
And he's not sleeping well. AT. ALL. Which of course means neither am I. I'm starting to think I will never sleep through the night again. It's been over a year, and with another baby coming it's not like it's gonna get any easier (insert my personal pity party here).
I miss my happy go lucky little boy that's fascinated with coffee cups. Wes, get better soon buddy!
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