Monday, January 17, 2011


My maternal grandmother, Mary, passed away last night at age 93. I had the privilege of being right by her side, something unexpected, but for which I am very thankful. She was known to our family as "Mia". My brother, the first grandchild, gave her this name when he learned to talk and the name has stuck for more than 30 years.

I have spent countless hours with my grandma and she will be greatly missed. And while we are of course sad, we are celebrating the long and full life that she lived, as well as being happy that she isn't in pain anymore.

I am so thankful that Mia was able to be a part of Xavier and Wesley's lives too. She would light up the second they walked in the room!  And we will be sure to tell Baby #3 all about her in the years to come.

I love you Mia, and I hope you're having a great time with Jesus!

Mia and Wesley - Jan 2010

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