Thursday, January 20, 2011

Snow Day

We got a huge dumping of snow overnight and had a good old fashioned snow day around here today. Even Walter got a snow day - that has NEVER happened the entire time we've been married. It was fun to have him here for the day and I enjoyed the extra help.

I volunteered to shovel the driveway this morning. That was my "alone time" for the day - ha! Walter, the good dad that he is, made everyone pancakes while holding sick little Wesley. Poor baby has been running a fever off and on for days and was pretty miserable this morning.

After breakfast Walter and X tried to sled, but the snow was too powdery so they just played in the yard and watched the snow plow.

Me and Wes watched from the front door. I would have loved to get him out in the snow, but not while he's sick. Bummer!

Xavier was kind enough to shovel the front yard for us.

All bundled up you would think he'd be miserable, but he LOVED it out there and played for an hour.

 After a PB&J lunch and a good nap, we broke out the finger paints. But, someone had an aversion to getting paint on their fingers so we had to use brushes and stamps. Funny kid!

I made potato soup for dinner, we played playdoh, the boys took long baths, I did 5 loads of laundry, and Walter cleaned the bathroom. It was a good day. I'm a little worried about tonight though - Wes became more congested this afternoon and I have a feeling he's going to have a lot of trouble sleeping. We'll see....

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