This little girl was 8 months old and cute as can be dressed in a 2 piece matching floral outfit complete with pink hat. She came strolling up to the baby swings in a fabulous pink and black Bugaboo stroller with an equally fabulous diaper bag hanging from the handle. Her mother carefully wiped down the swing with paper towels, lined it with a blanket, then set the girl in and added and extra blanket behind her back for support. Mom quickly grabbed the camera and started snapping away as the little girl squealed with delight. I offered to take a picture of the two of them and she was thrilled.
Meanwhile, in the next swing over sat my child. He was covered in mud and yelling "gar gar" (car) at the top of his lungs! X had managed to walk into a HUGE mud puddle within 30 seconds of arriving at the park. His white tennis shoes and socks were completely brown. His legs had dried mud splattered from thigh to ankle and his entire arms and hands were splattered as well. There was a big wet spot on his shirt and a huge glob of mud stuck to the butt of his shorts. Bringing only my keys with me from the car, I just decided to leave him like that and let him play.
It was somewhat comical when the lady told me her daughter was born in December 08. I mentioned that X was born in December 07. It was like looking into the future and looking back in time all at the same time. Nice clean baby at 8 months, then mud covered toddler at 20 months. I couldn't help but laugh. I was "that mom" at 8 months (well, not with a cool Bugaboo stroller) that wiped everything down before my child touched it and tried so hard to keep him clean and presentable. Now....not so much. As long as he's not bleeding I say, play on!
Coincidentally, here's a picture of my little man at 8 the park...clean...with a cute little hat on...sitting contently on a blanket with toys. Oh my, yes, a year sure does change things!!
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