Friday, August 14, 2009

Ultrasound - 20 Weeks

Baby D is half way there! Here are a few pics from our ultrasound this week. I had forgotten how cool it is to see your baby on an ultrasound. Baby D is apparently very active and was giving the tech a little trouble as she was trying to see everything. It took awhile, but we finally got a face shot. And the tech said that Baby D has a "beautiful aortic arch". Ummm, yeah, I guess that's he/she's first compliment!

So have a gander at our gorgeous little skeleton baby......

The left side shows the rib cage with an arm to the left of the word RIBS. The right side is baby's hand in the center giving a high five. The white spots are the ends of the fingers with the palm being the darker center.

On the left you can see baby's leg from just above the knee down to the foot. On the right is the bottom of baby's foot.

In this one the foot is on the left side of the pic, knee in the center, and thigh is where the word LEG is written.

Can you see baby's eyes? They are the dark circles under the words FACE ON with the white spot in between being the nose.
So, do you think it's a boy or a girl????????? (and no, we didn't find out)

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