Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Going in Circles

Today is one of those days. It's only half way over and I'm ready to throw in the towel. X is being a total "cranky-mcfussle-pants" today....uggghhh! He woke up at 6am (this is the 3rd day in a row) when lately he's been sleeping until at least 7am. I played dead so Walter got him up (thanks babe!) but Walter had to leave early so I was forced to get up. X was cranky and crying before I could even get breakfast made, which then he would barely eat so that was a waste of my efforts. Apparently he decided all he needed was milk and grapes this morning. Then it was time for mr. tornado to blow through the living room and get out every book we own...then cry again. After that we went to the basement to see if some brackets I bought will fit on my new curtain rod (which they DON'T!!!) and X found a box of tile grout that he tried to open....seriously kid, can you just stand still for 2 seconds??!!

On to me getting a shower..... X decides to unload the shoe rack in my closet to keep himself occupied, then sucks on the hairspray nozzle and looks at me with disgust when I tell him to take it out of his mouth. I try to find a shirt that's not stained, get dressed, and pick up all my shoes.

I decide we need an outing (because frankly I can't take the constant crabbing much longer at this point) so I gather our things and we head to Target. This goes pretty well except for all the goldfish crackers that I ended up picking off the floor (because you know, when you don't eat breakfast, you need a snack while in the cart at Target!) since X wouldn't sit in the seat correctly and kept hitting the cup of crackers with his leg. We make a stop at a new ALDI on the way home and I'm disheartened to find that they don't sell pecan spinwheels there anymore. That is my favorite item from ALDI as a child and I really could have used that pick me up this morning. I got over it though and indulged by purchasing a cheese stolen instead (ya know, cause my thighs really need that!)

Back at home the crankin and cryin resumes. I decide to hang a shelf in the guest bathroom that I painted yesterday. Three trips to the garage later (because I kept forgetting something I needed) I hang the shelf realizing I've got the wrong size drill bit. Not wanting to go to the garage AGAIN, I make it work anyway. While I'm doing this of course X has found that this bathroom actually has the toilet paper on the roll (because I forgot to take it off) and proceeds to stand right in my way and tear off a million little pieces. Then he tries to get at the level (the nice, I'd like to not have this broken level) so I abandon my project to refocus his attention. I'm able to distract him with a farm book in the next room. When I'm almost complete with the hanging of the shelf I hear major crying start and he comes screaming into the room and clinging to my leg while I'm trying to get this thing leveled. I give it a "good enough" and convince X to stop crying by telling him that we'll go listen to the angels (his little bible music CD that he loves).

Back in the kitchen, CD on, I make lunch for X. He notices that I've forgotten to shut the door to the laundry room/pantry and proceeds to unload an entire shelf of food into the hamper before I realize what he's up to in there. Lunch is ready but X is so exhausted by this point he can barely eat it. Once I felt that he'd gotten enough in to not starve (and I've finished reloading the shelf of food) I cleaned him up and he fell sound asleep before I could even get him to the crib. Please Lord, let him sleep for a LONG time and wake up in a better mood!

I know that there are many worse things in life than a morning with a crabby child and having to constantly pick up and re-pick up stuff in your house. But today it's just getting to me.

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