Saturday, June 27, 2009

18 Month Stats

I took X to the doctor for his 18 month checkup on Tuesday. He's wise to the place and pretty much started crying as soon as we hit the door. Thankfully this was his last 2 shots until he's 5 years old! He cries the hardest when I set him on the scale. Why? He just has to sit there for 2 seconds and no one touches him. Doesn't sound like torture does it? Anyway, our boy is doing well. He is 28lbs 1 oz, 34 1/4 inches tall, and has a head circumference of 19 1/8 inches. I had to fill out a questionnaire on his development that is part of their autism lookout, and he's doing fine. Dr. R says that language will be the biggest developmental change in the next 6 months. He sent us off with the good report and we don't have to come back for 6 months.

There are a few things I want to work with X on in the next few months. The biggest is his crowd issue. He's really NOT good in group settings away from home and has lots of stranger anxiety. I know that part of this is normal and he'll outgrow it, but I want to be continue to have him in group settings so that he has the opportunity to become more comfortable. I've signed him up for a mommy and me tumbling class next month and I'm hoping that will be good for him. Self feeding with utensils is another thing I'm trying to work on. He's come a long way, but still is far from being able to eat with a fork or spoon unassisted.

One thing that X has pretty much perfected now is going up and down the stairs on his own. He crawls most of the time, but is starting to use the spindles to do a bit of walking. It's pretty neat. He's even managed to make it all the way up the steps with a tractor and wagon in his hand! We still have the baby gate at the top of the stairs to keep him on the same floor as us, but if it's left open we are not worried he's going to tumble down.

I've been meaning to make a list of some of the words that X has. Some of them sound really similar (or exactly similar) but depending on the situation you can tell what he's trying to say.

Here's what I can think of off the top of my head.....
ball "ba-ba"
bible "ba-ba"
bottle "ba-ba"
light "ite"
help "elp"
shoes "shss"
socks "ocs"
teeth "tshh"
milk "ilk"
soup "uop"
nap "ap"
cheers "achs"
yum yum "um um"
lamp "amp"
cupboard "cau-cau" (it's from a book -- we don't walk around saying cupboard in daily conversation much)
rock "ock"
two "tew"
four "or"
six "sis"
ten "en"
uh-oh "a-oh"

It's amazing to see all the things he's learned in just 18 short months! Can't wait to see what the next 18 years brings (well, maybe not those teenage years so much!)

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