Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Day In The Life

I got the idea to record "a day in the life" from several other blogs. Since I use this blog as a digital scrapbook of our family I thought I'd try it so I can remember all the exciting stuff I do (har har!) on a regular old Monday. So here is yesterday...

6am - Walter leaves for work early. I get up to say goodbye and quickly crawl back in bed.

6:30am - X is up and very happy. A quick diaper change and he's off to play. Change a load of laundry and decide what to eat for breakfast.

7am - Realize X already needs another diaper change. (I don't think I got my 23 cents worth out of that diaper!) Make breakfast - cereal and cantaloupe for X, yogurt and granola for me.

7:30am - Shower and get dressed. Take 14 week baby shot in the mirror. Take down curtains that need to go to my mom to be fixed.

8:30am - Head out the door to Walmart to find Walter some cheap sunglasses since he lost his...AGAIN! While I'm there I find 2 possible options for curtains for X's room and decide to buy both and see which one works best.

9:15 am - Arrive at my mom's to work on the curtains. Get sidetracked by playing on the back patio with the neighbor kids. Go in to help mom with the curtains only to find out they need more work than I realized. Leave curtains with mom to fix (thanks mom!)

11:30am - Come back home for lunch. X has broccoli, an almond butter and jelly sandwich, and a banana. Get excited that he eats his entire lunch today since his appetite has been down the past few days. Change laundry and grab a sandwich for myself.

12:15pm - X goes down for a nap. I go check email, blogs, pay bills, then watch Army Wives on DVR.

2:30pm - X wakes up SCREAMING (which he never does) and I go in his room to find him face down in the crib not moving, just crying. I guess he was having a bad dream. I rock him for a bit to settle him and then he's up. We decide that wearing his horsey slippers will make the situation better. Then we go outside to swing and play.

3:30pm - Go back inside for a snack and then we head to Target to see if they still have hammocks on clearance. Luckily they do -- and the one I like is $10 cheaper than when I saw it last week!!!

5:00pm - Walter is home from work and we determine we need longer chains to make the hammock fit the stand. X swings...again.

5:30pm - Head out to meet my mom, gma, and uncle (who is in town) for dinner at Steak N Shake (my uncle's FAVORITE place). My gma sneaks X way too many fries. They come back to our place so my uncle can see the house. X tries to crawl on top of my 92 year old 92lb gma - I'm terrified he's going to crush her!

7:30pm - X gets his Winnie the Pooh ride on toy taken away after ramming into the wall and putting 3 dents in the freshly painted drywall.

7:45pm - Give X a quick snack, Walter puts him in the tub while I hang up the curtains my mom fixed and then we put X to bed. I change laundry, again.

8:30pm - Watch some TV; funny show about cake making people and how this lady wanted an erotic bachelorette party cake made. DVR'd the ending because I was too tired to stay awake.

9:30pm - Sound asleep

I told you this would be exciting, didn't I! (I wasn't exactly diligent with the picture taking either). It may seem boring to some, but I'll gladly take it in place of the hardships that many many people are facing right now. I don't go a day without realizing how fortunate I am.

1 comment:

KatolinFamily said...

I love reading your "day in the life." It sounds a lot like our days! The black and white pictures are great!!