Monday, December 15, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree....

The tree has been up but I just now got around to downloading the pictures. We're kind of treating this as X's first Christmas in a way since he was only 8 days old last year. We all suited up to go to the tree lot. Next year when he's more aware of what's going on I think we might go to a tree farm and cut one ourselves. I think it took longer to bundle up X than it did to pick out the tree.

As you can see, X was so excited to get in his little suit!

Hey, where did my hands go?

I can barely walk now!

Despite me saying that I wanted a small tree this year, we ended up getting a pretty good sized one. I swear it looked smaller on the lot than when we got it home! Of course Walter loves big trees so he wasn't going to say anything and knows good and well that my spacial estimation ability is not very good!

So we got it all lit and decorated the next night. You'll notice a lack of ornaments on the bottom front -- just a few soft ones so as not to temp X too much. He actually has shown almost no interest in the tree at all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

looks like he is getting ready to walk to the deer stand with the camo outfit on.