Sunday, December 7, 2008

Woody and a Wisk

There are toys all over our house these days. You never know what kind of collection you might come upon in any given room. Here's what I found in the middle of the kitchen floor the other day. Quite an interesting combination. I wonder what he was going to bake???

The Rams may not be doing so well, but X is still sporting his gear because he looks cute in a joggin suit. Here I tried to get him to sit in this pink chair for a picture. He wasn't too sure about it.

Mommy, isn't Pink for girls?

Ha, I got away from the chair AND ditched my jacket.

We started putting up Christmas decorations and Walter took this shot. I hate it. I look like I'm pregnant (which I'm most certainly not!) Maybe I'll get him photography lessons for Christmas so he can learn to get me at a better angle!

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