Friday, December 12, 2008

Favorite Things

I'm sure Oprah's "Favorite Things" are a big more exciting, but Xavier definitely has his lately. It's amazing how attached little ones can become to certain items and activities. I don't want to forget so I thought I'd make a list.
  • Big wooden spoons and wire whisks - He loves to chew them, swing them, and carry them around the house.

  • Opening and Closing ANYTHING - The "most favorite" include the cabinets, the microwave, the dryer, and the shower doors.

  • Bananas and Turkey - Not in the same bite though.

  • Clapping - X celebrates just about everything with a clap, and also for no reason at all.

  • Being Held - Everywhere except church that is!

  • Brushing Teeth - I think he just likes the taste of the baby toothpaste, but he willingly opens his mouth and smiles when I come at him with the brush.

  • Mommy and Daddy -- Stranger anxiety and separation anxiety have both set in and X keeps a close tab on us lately.

  • His blue and white shoes -the kid has fat feet so shoes have been a challenge but he's got one favorite pair that he loves to wear, chew on, and carry around the house.

  • The Binky -- God bless the Binky. It is by far X's most prized possession. We only let him have it when he's going to sleep or if he is super crabby, but I fully believe he'd have that thing plastered to his face all day long if we let him.

(This picture shows none of the above listed things, but it's just too darn cute not to post!)

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