The boys are in their second session of swim lessons and it's going really well. X still has some fear of the water, but both of them have made some really good progress. This session my friend's daughter (X's future wife) is in the class as well.
At the beginning of February we got some snow. To say the boys liked playing it in would be an understatement.
This set of snow gear is on it's third little boy. It's fun to look back HERE and HERE to see the other boys wearing it. If you didn't know better, you'd think it was the same child every time :)
On a semi-spur of the moment, I decided to take Wes and Elliott with me and drive to Wichita to see my friend Shana. She and her family had just moved there in December and didn't know ANYONE. Shana is also a fellow "3 boys" mom. My mom and Walter kept Xavier so he could still go to school (and just to lighten the load a little for me). The trip was great. I really enjoyed seeing Shana, and getting out of town for a few days. It was good to have a break in the dynamic (read: fighting) between Xavier and Wes too. The boys did really well on the 6 hour drive, with only a few small hiccups.
Not much to see once you get to Kansas. It sort of made for a peaceful drive though. And some people opted to sleep so it made things even more peaceful :)
The first night we arrived Elliott had to check his email to let his peeps know he'd be out of touch for a few days.
Wesley was IN LOVE with Jared's big Buzz LightYear. And then he turned into Buzz the next morning.
Elliott and his buddy Eric are only a month apart.
Wes was also OBSESSED with riding in this "black monster truck" as he called it. An Elliott was content to be his passenger.
It snowed again towards the end of February so the boys were back in action outside. Elliott didn't care for the snow this go around!
Always remember to water your carrots when you plant them in the snow :)
March has continued to bring colder weather. So we snuggy inside on the couch and spend hours playing in the tub with paints or bubbles.
And someone may or may not have gone to Steak N Shake in a Frosty the Snowman zippersuit - ha!!
We are always trying to eat healthier (ignore the picture above where my children are downing chocolate milkshakes at lightening speed) so I've made a few new recipes this month. Crockpot stuffed peppers were great in theory but were mushy and bland. I'll definitely try again, tweak the recipe, and not cook them as long.
On the other hand, my spaghetti squash turned out great. So as not to freak the kids out, I mixed the spaghetti squash with our regular noodles and didn't say a word. Wes ate his spaghetti right up!!! Elliott hates spaghetti so I didn't expect him to eat it anyway, and Xavier was having a stubborn day where he just refused to eat any dinner at all. But Walter and I loved it!!!
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