Sunday, September 23, 2012

MOPS Mania

The poor blog has suffered another stint of neglect. Maybe in my gut I'm just not into it anymore. But then I get spurts when I am. And it's the boy's baby book of sorts so there's some mommy guilt thrown into the mix. But most of the time lately I'm too tired to post and too lazy to download my pictures in a timely manor. Although when I get going, I do enjoy it and like the writing outlet. Hmmmm....

Oh the struggles of my life :)

Anyway, one of the main reasons the blog has taken a back seat since August is that I joined the Steering Team of my MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group this year. AND ITS BEEN MORE WORK THAN I WAS LEAD TO BELIEVE. I am the MOPPETS Coordinator for the year which means that I'm in charge of organizing things for 125 kids  that are cared for at our 2x month meetings. This includes securing 20+ caregivers, assigning kids to childcare rooms (which is extra challenging this year because our church is in the midst of a renovation/expansion), creating cirriculum and activities for each room to keep kids going for 2 hours, and a list of other stuff. Oh, and I still have my 3 kids to take care of all day.

Needless to say this has given way to some LATE nights for me quite often in the past 2 months. My main working hours for this gig have been 7pm-12am because that's when I can get my biggest chunk of alone time. I'm loving it, but it's been a lot. We've had 2 meetings so far and things are quite busy, but going well. And I'm meeting some great new people in the process. I really feel God is calling me that it's my time to serve other mothers through this MOPS ministry and I'm trying to step up to that challenge.

So, I'm going to attempt another massive round of catch-up (AGAIN) because there has been quite a bit of other stuff (AGAIN) going on around here too that I want to document before I forget (AGAIN).

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