I like to go to the full service gas stations - ha! He was so excited to help .
Wes is an excellent barista. He and X are OBSESSED with my mom's Keurig. They like to organize the little K cups and make coffee for everyone.
I just like taking pictures of him sleeping apparently. And we are starting to formulate a plan for getting rid of the bink-bink. He's soooo attached for sleeping though that I know it's gonna be a struggle.
We went to family bingo night at church. This piece of pizza was about the size of Wes' head.
He enjoyed playing bingo for about 5 minutes. Then he just wanted to open and close all the little doors on the bingo card.
Sleeping again! Love how he's just snuggled right up in there with daddy.
Silly boy decided to eat a PB&J snack sitting in a basket of laundry that was waiting to be folded.
This one CRACKS.ME.UP! He's "Fireman Sam". Looks like a chip n dale dancer to me.
Sassy boy in a Cozy Coupe.
Sweet boy in a Cozy Coupe.
Little stinker using the Cozy Coupe to get to the garage keypad.
Wesley insisted of delivering his pizza to his plate at the table himself.
I'm amazed at how he's picked up on the bike riding thing so well!
Good thing Wes remembers who his favorite person is :)
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