Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Then and Now

My good friend since age 4, Sara, had her first baby just 4 days after Elliott was born. The boys sure have changed in a year.


At the playground recently we got the boys to pose in the same spot as they did around this time last year. (Disregard the clothing on the "now" picture -- it was a beautiful morning so we just loaded the boys up in whatever they were wearing and headed out)


My mom and dad brought these t-shirts back from New Orleans for the boys a few months back. This pretty much sums up my life with these three!!!!

And after about 35 attempts at a picture these are the best I got. Which makes the shirts even more accurate.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Flour Play

This seemed like a great idea at the time. And the boys loved it.

What I didn't anticipate was how hard it would be to clean up...even outside. I swept up what I could then sprayed down the driveway FOREVER. I picked up clumps of wet flour and dried hard flour. Scrubbed out a rain book that someone filled with flour. And ultimately it took WEEKS, and several rain storms for all the flour to work it's way out of the nooks and crannies of our aggregate driveway.

Never again....but it was fun while it lasted :)

A Wesley Picture Update

For a while Wes had a habit of coming out of his room about 20 minutes after we put him to bed. On this particular night I was sitting at the kitchen table working on something. I heard him come out of his room but was determined to just ignore him to see if he would get bored and go back in. Instead he climbed up on the couch and went to sleep.

I like to go to the full service gas stations - ha! He was so excited to help .

Wes is an excellent barista. He and X are OBSESSED with my mom's Keurig. They like to organize the little K cups and make coffee for everyone. 

I just like taking pictures of him sleeping apparently. And we are starting to formulate a plan for getting rid of the bink-bink. He's soooo attached for sleeping though that I know it's gonna be a struggle.

We went to family bingo night at church. This piece of pizza was about the size of Wes' head. 

He enjoyed playing bingo for about 5 minutes. Then he just wanted to open and close all the little doors on the bingo card. 

 Sleeping again! Love how he's just snuggled right up in there with daddy. 

Silly boy decided to eat a PB&J snack sitting in a basket of laundry that was waiting to be folded. 

This one CRACKS.ME.UP! He's "Fireman Sam". Looks like a chip n dale dancer to me.

 Sassy boy in a Cozy Coupe.

Sweet boy in a Cozy Coupe.

Little stinker using the Cozy Coupe to get to the garage keypad.

Wesley insisted of delivering his pizza to his plate at the table himself.

I'm amazed at how he's picked up on the bike riding thing so well!

Good thing Wes remembers who his favorite person is :)

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Good to the Last Drop

Wesley and I had a little ice cream date one night back in July when Xavier was staying with Grandma. I love spending one on one time with my boys. Wes was a delight. And this boy LOVES him some ice cream!!

Guess I should have waited until AFTER the ice cream to give him a bath - ha!

MOPS Mania

The poor blog has suffered another stint of neglect. Maybe in my gut I'm just not into it anymore. But then I get spurts when I am. And it's the boy's baby book of sorts so there's some mommy guilt thrown into the mix. But most of the time lately I'm too tired to post and too lazy to download my pictures in a timely manor. Although when I get going, I do enjoy it and like the writing outlet. Hmmmm....

Oh the struggles of my life :)

Anyway, one of the main reasons the blog has taken a back seat since August is that I joined the Steering Team of my MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group this year. AND ITS BEEN MORE WORK THAN I WAS LEAD TO BELIEVE. I am the MOPPETS Coordinator for the year which means that I'm in charge of organizing things for 125 kids  that are cared for at our 2x month meetings. This includes securing 20+ caregivers, assigning kids to childcare rooms (which is extra challenging this year because our church is in the midst of a renovation/expansion), creating cirriculum and activities for each room to keep kids going for 2 hours, and a list of other stuff. Oh, and I still have my 3 kids to take care of all day.

Needless to say this has given way to some LATE nights for me quite often in the past 2 months. My main working hours for this gig have been 7pm-12am because that's when I can get my biggest chunk of alone time. I'm loving it, but it's been a lot. We've had 2 meetings so far and things are quite busy, but going well. And I'm meeting some great new people in the process. I really feel God is calling me that it's my time to serve other mothers through this MOPS ministry and I'm trying to step up to that challenge.

So, I'm going to attempt another massive round of catch-up (AGAIN) because there has been quite a bit of other stuff (AGAIN) going on around here too that I want to document before I forget (AGAIN).