Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Training Wes

This boy....who's wearing underwear on his head....is now wearing underwear on his booty!! That's right, Wes has been pottytraining the last 2 weeks. He's doing really well too. You wave an M&M in his face and this kid will do just about anything for you :) He looks adorable in his little underoos. And even better is the fact that we now have one less child in diapers. YeeHaw!!!!

As a side note, Xavier has been hearing me say  "we are training Wes to go potty like a big boy today". So, yesterday as we were all getting in the car to go out I see Xavier strap Wes into a regular seatbelt in the back seat of the van (when Wes is supposed to be in his carseat in the middle of the van). I asked X what he was doing and he replied "We are training Wes to sit in the back seat today."  Well played X, well played!

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