Elliott is now 23lbs 7oz, wears size 4 diapers, size 4-5 shoe, and anywhere from 12-24 month clothing.
Elliott has 2 teeth on the bottom. Right around his birthday 3 top teeth broke through and are making their way in. Teething has been rough for this kiddo. Fevers, very crabby, not sleeping well, etc...
At 10 months E started crawling, then at 11 months he started walking. He's doing really well. Loves to walk around the house and out in the garage, or in stores. He doesn't like to walk in the grass and is still unsure of any surface that's not almost completely flat. (He's not a fan of the slight incline of our driveway!) He is able to crawl up a set of stairs if he wants to, but I rarely see him try.
At 12 months, Elliott has just started sleeping through the night pretty consistently. He's usually in bed around 7pm and sleeps 11-12 hours. (Thank you Lord!!!) The other boys were ready to go to 1 nap at around this age, but Elliott clearly still needs a morning and afternoon nap. He's not a super napper, and for the longest time he would sleep 1 hour tops, usually less. He's getting better, and averages 1 1/2 hours each at nap now. I think he's wearing himself out more now that he is walking. He's pretty good about putting himself to sleep as long as he has a pacifier, his taggie blanket, and you rock him for a minute or two first.
A pretty good eater, Elliott is usually willing to try new things. He's already developed some favorites though -- loves strawberries, PB&J, yogurt, green beans, cinnamon avocado oatmeal, graham crackers, and homemade smoothies. He's not too sure about meat and does not like really like cheese. E drinks whole milk from a sippy cup. No more bottles (not that he ever had that many to begin with). I started weaning him at 11 months and was finished nursing completely by mid July. I'm happy to have made it a year nursing him, but I'm already enjoying the freedom the comes from being finished with that.
On the language front E doesn't really say much that's understandable. Mama and Dada are about it. He makes a lot of noises that seem intentional like he's trying to say words. And he's definitely got the frustrated "I need to get your attention kind of scream down pat". Elliott's receptive language is great and he understands a lot of what's said.
As the little brother, I already see E trying to keep up with the big boys occasionally. He'll try to follow after them or mimic sounds they make. He's still the underdog, but when Wes hit Elliott the other day, E hit him right back. The look of shock on Wes' face was priceless and he freaked out! Xavier continues to be pretty kind and loving to E, while Wes continues to see Elliott as a threat the majority of the time. This naturally causes E to gravitate more to Xavier than Wes. E loves to play in the basement and has a love affair with the treadmill. He knows what to do because he'll crawl on, stand up, and march in place - ha!! Outside E's favorite toys are bats and balls.
I love (most of the time) how E is such a snugly baby. He lays his head on my shoulder every morning when I get him out of his crib. He leans in with an open mouth when I say "give mama a kiss", and he likes to rub his forehead against my face. When Walter walks in the door E's little legs get going for an arms in the air request to be held and kissed.
I'm looking forward to the next 12 months as we ease out of the ultra-demanding baby phase and into the fun-loving, slightly more independent toddler phase. I think E is too. This boy's got things to do!!!!
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