Friday, September 9, 2011

Phone Pic Roundup

I never remember to download pictures from my phone. So when I do, I end up with a bunch of random stuff. Here's what I found on there today.....

An (unhappy) baby in the Elmo Chair.

Much happier baby :)

The disaster that is our playroom.

My life in a nutshell right now.

Mummy baby takin a snooze.

Elliott enjoying the can good isle at the grocery store.

Wes fell sound asleep one morning while X was at preschool.
Guess he was bored without his partner in crime- HA!

A bunch of boys layin on the floor!
My 3 and my friend Sara's baby Anthony. 

Uncle Dave came to visit!!!

My (non successful) attempt to get a pic of all 3 boys.

And finally, the sweetest little video of Xavier and Elliott. E was about 8 days old here.

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