Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Labor Day Lizards

Over the weekend we went to stay for a night at Walter's mom's house. It was nice to relax a bit, the weather was BEAUTIFUL, and they cook really good!

I forgot to bring my camera and my phone died after taking 3 pictures. But these pretty much sum up our weekend........

"Hey Guys, let's go for a ride."  This phrase was heard over and over from Xavier. He LOVED riding on Gpa Shampoo's little tractor. Wes wouldn't go near it for the first few rides, but then he finally gave in and loved it too. With over a 100 acres of land there were plenty of trails to ride through. (And it ended up being so chilly in the morning that the boys had to wear their jibbies outside because they were the only pants we brought!)

Gma Tina got the boys bug boxes with little nets. So we caught lizards in the landscaping! Xavier and Wes were both quite impressed with their catch. X didn't want the lizard on his shirt though -- he liked it better safely in the bug box.

Wes enjoyed just hangin around with gma, mowing the grass with his little lawnmower and trying to play baseball. We stayed outside as much a possible to enjoy the perfect 70 degree weather after a sweltering week in the 90's.

Elliott isn't pictured since my battery died, but he loved his first visit to gma's house. Elliott even did his longest stretch of sleep ever that night. He slept 5 1/2 hours, which means I slept 5 hours straight! That hasn't happened in months. Wesley also slept in a real bed for the first time ever. He wasn't sure what to do since there was nothing to keep him from getting out, but once we got him asleep he stayed put for 11 hours straight. Gotta love what fresh air does to kids :)

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