Sunday, August 14, 2011

Xavier the Photographer

Xavier found my camera the other morning. He figured out how to turn it on and was taking pictures before I realized what he was doing.

So here's a sampling of what he got. This is the edited version of course. I don't think you care to see 12 pictures of my living room rug or 16 pictures of his finger in front of the lens :) These pictures took forever to load because apparently he changed the settings on the camera as well and the files are HUGE!

Elliott crying (poor thing!)

Me standing at the changing table. 

X's finger (I hope it's not the middle one!)

X's cute little legs and feet.

Wessa playing.

The floor.

Power cord to camera charger ( I think this one's a little artsy, don't you??)

As much as I love seeing what X took pictures of, I didn't appreciate him running down the battery with the lens stuck open. The camera is safely back in a higher cabinet for now.

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