Thursday, August 25, 2011

Having 3 {small} Kids is Hard

It was inevitable. The new baby bliss would wear off and I would come face to face with what my life is right now. It's hard. Bummer!

Right now I'm sitting at the kitchen table with Elliott sleeping on me in the sling. (I'm ALWAYS with at least one child these days). Xavier and Wes are in their rooms for nap. I'm wondering if X is going to sleep. He didn't yesterday. I'm fearing his nap days might be coming to a close. I'm contemplating a nap myself if X does fall asleep, but I'm sure E will be up by then.

It's hard to have 3 small children. I expected this, but that doesn't make getting through the day any easier. I have permanent dark circles under my eyes now. Lovely! That's actually the least of my physical worries. My body is still a wreck from having this baby, I have soooo much weight to still loose (and thus, nothing to wear right now), and I only get to sleep in 1-3 hour increments at night.

My biggest challenge is meeting everyone's needs. I've lost count of how many times I've sat down to feed Elliott and then Wes wants out of the highchair. I try to make lunch for the boys and E is going nuts on the floor because he wants to be held. Xavier wants to go outside, but it's too hot and sunny for little E. The list goes on.

Elliott is quite the spitter. He doesn't appear to have an intolerant to anything I'm eating. I think it's just that flap that holds stuff down is not developed enough yet. So consequently I'm doing an insane amount of laundry. E goes through 4-5 outfits a day, plus blankets and spit rags and such. Then Walter and I are going through 2-3 outfits a day because he pukes on us! Add in the clothes from the other boys (who are messy) and I'm a slave to the washer.

The boys are giving me a run for my money with discipline lately too. They seem to have lost interest in their toys and just want to destroy stuff all the time. It's incredibly frustrating. I'm letting them watch too much tv lately (because I'm exhausted and lost my will to care) and I know that's not helping. Having one of the hottest summers on record and thus having to be inside a lot hasn't helped either. I'm yelling too much, and they are not even listening to it anymore.

We try to get out of the house when we can, but going somewhere with 3 small children isn't exactly easy peasy. It takes FOREVER just to leave the house. And by then we have a small window before one or more of  the kids needs to eat, sleep, or just gets cranky. Grocery shopping is a joke because I have no room in the cart for food! We have access to 3 great pools, but there is no way I can manage them all at a pool. I'm sad that we've missed out on a lot of fun swimming. I think playgrounds will be good once it cools down a bit (assuming I can safely keep track of them all). Sometimes I put the kids in the car and we just drive up and down the highway pointing out gas trucks, cement trucks, and motorcycles. Being at home a lot isn't helping me lose the baby weight either -- what else is a girl to do but eat ?? And despite there being 4 of us here all day, it gets very lonely to be the only adult around.

I'm not trying to wish my life away, but I can't help but dream about the days that Elliott sleeps through the night, Wesley is potty trained, and when the kids can all buckle themselves in the car without my help.  I look forward to maybe resuming some of my former hobbies, feeling semi rested, wearing clothes not stained from spit up or sticky little people hands, and having a phone conversation that isn't interrupted with screams in the background.

PS -- If you are wondering, X didn't fall asleep, so neither did I. {big sigh}