Monday, April 11, 2011

Today I am Thankful For....

It's only 1pm, but I've been awake since 4am so it's been a 9 hour day for me already! After everyone being sick last week and our recent challenges with X, I thought I should just count my blessings today.

I'm thankful that I got to take a shower and get dressed by myself this morning (if you can't sleep you might as well take a shower) before the boys got up.

I'm thankful there were leftover pancakes in the fridge which made for a quick and yummy breakfast!

I'm thankful we had a MOPS meeting today and that meant we would all be occupied for the morning. AND, we were ready to go on time (even a few minutes early!)

I'm thankful that Xavier cooperated nicely getting dressed. (very rare occurrence these days)

I'm thankful that Wesley was so excited about holding a plastic bubble stick in the car that he didn't fight being buckled in (he usually just wants to come out and play).

I am thankful for my dishwasher that will simultaneously clean my dishes and provide some white noise for me to take a much needed nap on the couch while the boys sleep.

I'm MOST thankful to have heard my 3 year old say "MAY I.....PLEASE" not once, but twice this morning, completely unprompted. Oh how I needed that today to provide me a glimmer of hope that my sweet little boy is still inside that body despite his recent behavior challenges. (I'm actually sitting here crying just thinking about those kind words being spoken - that will tell you how much these behavior issues have been weighing on me - and I'm NOT a cryer).

It's the little things that matter to me today :)

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