Tuesday, March 22, 2011

You Should See the Other Guy

Alternately titled: Baby's First Shiner

It's been a rough couple of days for Wes' little face.

Last Thursday at the playground he was walking on a curb and fell off scraping his face on the concrete and busting his eyebrow. Sunday he was playing in the front yard and X pushed him over and he scraped his face, exact same spot, on a post that is staking in a tree.  Then yesterday Wes decided to climb on top of the kiddie picnic table and while I wasn't looking, he fell off and gave himself a complete black eye - same exact spot as the two times before.

It looks even worse in person. Good thing we didn't have any family photos scheduled for this week - ha!

Poor little Wessa. Maybe we should get him a face shield!

1 comment:

dklicata said...

OH MY GOD, that sweet little face all bruised makes my knees buckle. He definitely needs a face shield AND a leash !