Monday, March 14, 2011

There's Nothing Like a Good Read

I seem to go in spurts with reading. I'll be all into books and then fall off for awhile when things get busy. Well, I've fallen back into reading and I've got a HUGE stack to get through! I always seem to get back into reading a few months before I have a baby. I think it's because I know how hard it is to read a cereal box, let alone a book, when you have a newborn and are completely sleep deprived. I've got to get all my good reads in right now!!

I  rarely buy books. For one, I'm cheap, and two, I hardly ever re-read a book and don't like clutter so I have no desire to store books in my home. (and no I'm not savvy enough to have a Kindle or the like).  We do have a decent collection of children's books. Most have been gifts or hand me downs and those are nice to have because the boys do enjoy reading things over and over...and over.

I'm a huge fan of the library. The boys go to story time occasionally, and there is a great children's section with comfy chairs and a train!

Yes, he did go to the library in his PJs and horsey slippers one morning :)

Last week Wes and I hit the library and stocked up on some new reads for me. But first he had to stop by the kids section and spend some time reading to his "friends".

While Wes was reading I picked out a couple of books with CDs for Xavier. Great concept! X loves listening to the story on CD while turning through the pages when he hears the familiar *bing* sound. It's a great calm activity to keep him occupied while I fix dinner :)
I love getting books at the library because I don't feel guilty if I end up not liking a book or decide 30 pages in that I don't want to finish it. You just simply return it and move on to the next one in your stack. No $$ has been lost. I do get a little stressed sometimes when I've gotten a book on reserve and only have 2 weeks to read it since you can't renew those.
I just finished reading I WILL CARRY YOU by Angie Smith. Amazing book. I highly recommend.
So if the blog seems a little neglected in the coming week it's probably because I'm head down into a good read (or have fallen asleep reading, which is also an unfortunate habit lately).

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