Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Isn't Sunday Supposed to be the Day of Rest?

Sometimes I really don't know how I'm surviving on the small amount sleep that I get lately. I'm going to bed too late. Wes is STILL not sleeping through the night. And Xavier is getting up too early. Sunday was one of those days that started early....really early.....and I didn't stop going the entire day.

After getting up with Wes at 2am I could not, for the life of me, fall back asleep. Walter woke up around that time too and couldn't sleep. It was the oddest (and most frustrating) thing to be awake together (yet very tired) at 2:30am when our kids were actually sleeping peacefully for once. By 4am we were still awake and had exhausted the discussion about how much we wished we could fall asleep. We ended up watching TV. Just as 5am rolled around and we were starting to get tired again we heard X start singing Happy Birthday on the monitor. He was wide awake and had peed out of his nighttime diaper and all over the sheets that I had just changed the day before. Realizing any hope of getting more sleep was clearly gone, I decided to strip the bed and wash X's sheets.

Fast forward to 7:15am: I was trying to get dressed for church. Both boys were milling around and X has an accident all over my bathroom floor as he's trying to get to the potty. So I clean that up and continue to get the family ready to go.

8:15am --We arrive at church. I had to get there and hour early to set up the coffee bar. We were down one car so we all had to go early.  I just started volunteering on the coffee bar group and it was my first day to set up alone. Clearly I didn't allow enough time to set up and was rushing around like a mad woman, but that's a whole other story. In the midst of my setup X had another accident while trying to get to the bathroom (I have no idea why this was all happening - he's been doing pretty well). I had a change of clothes for X but it was so bad that Walter had to take him home to get new shoes.

10:30am - The service is over and apparently there are some frustrated church go-ers because the coffee is now empty. I'm still not clear (as the newbie) if that was my fault or the in between services person didn't show up. At any rate, I scramble to make more coffee while people stand with empty cups glaring at me (seriously folks, this is church, back off the evil eye!) At the same time I'm trying to talk to some friends that came to try out the church today, and, oh yeah, pass the kids back and forth with Walter.

11:30am - Coffee drama is over and we finally leave church to head home to give a crabby X (remember how he got up at 5am) lunch and a nap.

12:30pm - Kids are fed, sheets are put back on X's bed, he is napping, Wes is playing with daddy, and I'm off to the store to get supplies to make tacos for our small group from church that night because I never have what I need for a recipe on hand...ever...it's like a curse with me!

2:00pm - Back from the store, fed Wes and put him down for a nap, then it was time to start cooking. You'd think tacos would be quick, but I felt like I was chopping ingredients FOREVER. In between slicing tomatoes and cutting up lettuce (all the while cursing Walmart for not carrying pre-shredded lettuce) my dad stops by to snake the drain in the basement that is apparently clogged and leaking water all over the floor. Nice.

5:00pm - Food is prepared, house is picked up, children are fed again, and our small group folks arrive. The kids start acting up (perfect timing) and Walter and I spend the bible study portion of the meeting trying to keep our kids quiet and occupied. That is an exhausting task sometimes.

7:00pm - Small group leaves after the taco feast and it's time to clean up, give the kids a bath, and put them to bed....which gets interrupted by a well meaning neighbor offering X a racetrack that her son has outgrown.

8:30pm -- Finally the little ones are in bed and I unload 2 baskets of laundry then hit the couch to relax and check email.

Isn't Sunday supposed to be a day of rest? Maybe next week.

1 comment:

dklicata said...

What was it you said you heard one Sunday? - "is your life full or fulfilled?". Maybe you better take the advice that Woogy uses and "just say NO" - HA (to extra commitments right now). Hope I get my car back today so you don't have to drive the diesel.