Sunday, August 15, 2010

Bathroom Tour 2010

X is potty trained during the day now. And I think his new goal in life is to visit every bathroom in the tri-county area. The kid is obsessed. It's the first thing he wants to do when we get somewhere. He's fascinated with different sinks and soap holders, fancy paper towel dispensers, and the fact that he gets to flush the toilet with his foot in public restrooms. And you can't really refuse his request because he actually "goes" pretty much every time he asks to be taken to the bathroom.

Walter was going to take X into his work the other day for a visit and X refused to go to the bathroom before he left the house. Instead he told me "I'm going to go potty at daddy's work." That apparently was going to be the highlight of the trip for him. Walter joked that just leaving the house is like giving him a laxative!

I guess in a way this is a good thing because I know that lots of kids are scared of public restrooms. But seriously, we can't go ANYWHERE without a bathroom break now. He's worse than a pregnant lady!

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