Thursday, July 15, 2010

Xavier Speaks

X's speech is getting more understandable these days (ok, well maybe that's just to me!) but there are still many words that he can't say correctly. There are also some cute things that he says quite often. It's fun to watch him learn language and try to figure out different pronouns and tenses. Most of it he gets mixed up still because he's just repeating what he hears us say to him. I thought I'd jot a few down for memory.

- BeAnna (banana)
- Sweepin (sleeping)
- Zukinky Bread (zucchini) 
- Cwynin (crying)
- Brader (brother)
- Swide (slide)
- Washcoff (washcloth)

- When Wes goes to sleep X always says "When he gets up you can play with him".
- When I'm getting ready in the morning and I go to put on my clothes X says "It's time for what shirt should mommy wear today!"
- When I tell X that I need to go do something he often likes to add to the end of my statement "and then we will play racecars".
- X seems to replace "can I" with "did you" in many instances. When he wants to go wash his hands he says to me "did you wash your hands".
- Wes has started to eat baby cereal but X says he's eating "mini wheats".
- Sometimes if Wes is crying X will go over and say "Wessa, are you tired? You need a nap"

1 comment:

dklicata said...

Xavier's look is PRICELESS, but I know he loves his baby brother, just not always posing for pics when he'd rather being "playing racecars"!