Monday, July 19, 2010

Giving Gold to a Stranger

Today I gave 25oz of frozen breast milk to a complete stranger. 

Does that weird you out? (just stop reading then!)

Long story short: I semi regularly attend a Le Leche League (breastfeeding support) meeting. I was asked by a friend via that connection if I had any milk I could donate to a local mom who's struggling with nursing and in need of some extra ounces. I immediately said yes. So this evening I packed up a little cooler and drove to the house of a women I'd never met and handed off 25 oz of my "liquid gold", as they say, for her 7 week old baby boy.

Never in my life did I think I would be giving my milk away, much less to a complete stranger, but it just felt like the right thing to do.

To be honest, the whole idea of sharing milk is still a little strange to me. Why? I don't know. Could  I ever feed my child milk from someone else? I'm not sure. All I know is that there is nothing more basic in life than a mother trying to feed her child. And this mom was reaching out for help to do that. So why would I want to say NO if I had the means to say YES?

I had a very challenging experience feeding Xavier. I guarded every drop (literally!) of milk I had because for awhile it was never enough. That experience gives me great empathy. And since this time around, with Wes, has been so different, so great, I have the opportunity to help someone else.

I'm not anti-formula by any means. I am pro-what works best for you and your family. Yes, this mom could have given her baby formula, but she didn't want to. It's not what felt right for her.

So tonight I'm sitting here thinking about this little baby boy that I barely know (I did meet him and talked with the family when I went there -- such sweet people!!!) who will hopefully be a little more content tonight with a full tummy.

Sweet Dreams Baby Boy!

1 comment:

dklicata said...

It doesn't sound strange to me at all because I know just the kind of wonderful giving person you are even when it comes to things you treasure. That little baby is one lucky boy! AND so are yours.