Saturday, May 15, 2010

They Are Now Men of the Cloth

No, the boys did not join the clergy, (despite the last name, ha!) but they are now men (boys) of CLOTH DIAPERS! Yeah, we made the plunge into the world of cloth last week. After much research and help from some friends (thank you Andrea, Ruth, Sara, Cammie, etc...) we decided to give it a go. 

I ended up purchasing Bum Genius diapers because I was able to get a deal on some "used", "seconds" and "well loved" diapers from a local baby store (cause you know I'm all about the deal!!). I promise they are all properly cleaned and bleached for those of you that are gasping at the thought of used diapers.  (And I'd like to give a quick shoutout to all those people that buy new stuff so that then I can buy it used and save a whole lotta money!)

So far so good. I, like many, have found it's not nearly as gross as I thought it might be to wash diapers. And they are soooo cute! I feel very Little House on the Prairie when I'm washing diapers....despite the fact that I have a washing machine and my "line drying" consists of putting diapers on hangers and hanging them off the side of the patio table on the screened in porch :) Todays cloth diapers are hardly those of the olden days either. No pins, no folding. These suckers snap right on, are body contoured with microfiber inserts, and come in all kinds of fun colors. Its like cloth diapering for dummies!

I initially thought I'd just use them on Wesley. Xavier is very picky lately and I thought the change might be met with resistance. But, he actually really likes them and is excited by the different colors. So, we're using them on both boys. I'm not going all radical and saying I'll never use another disposable diaper, but I'm excited to cut down on our carbon footprint!


KatolinFamily said...

Hurray! I'm glad they are working for you guys.

Ruth said...

The title cracked me up!

I'm so glad they're working out for you! Isn't Cotton Babies great?! I love that store. If I was stupid enough to even consider cloth diapering twins, I'd be going there to stock up. :)