Sunday, December 6, 2009

Straight From the Tree Farm

Normally we get our Christmas tree from the same Knights of Columbus lot each year. But, this year we decided to go to a tree farm and cut our own. Walter and I had never been to a tree farm and figured X was old enough to enjoy the experience as well. We headed out yesterday on our 45 minute drive for some family fun. Someone decided they needed a little snooze to prepare (while holding no less than 2 puppies!)

Once we arrived we suited up X in his warm weather gear and we were off to find our tree!

By far X's favorite part of the outing was playing Peek-A-Boo behind all the Christmas trees.

When we finally found our tree we asked some strangers to take our picture with it. This was the best one they took!
Then it was time to cut 'er down and put it in the sled!
Xavier decided to give Daddy a hug for encouragement as he was cutting the tree.
My little cutie in his hat!

And while everyone else was wearing a coat, all I needed was my sweater and a scarf due to the good old baby heat I have goin on!

Here's Baby D at 37 weeks.
Then it was time to return to the front of the farm with our tree to get some cookies!

Like pretty much everything we do, there was a little set back when we got home with the tree. We discovered our beloved tree stand (said tongue in cheek because Walter has hated our tree stand for years) was broken. So after a quick trip to Home Depot for a new stand we were ready to decorate. The evening was slipping away so we decided to divide and conquer. I decorated the tree and Walter made us all some dinner.
X had no interest in decorating the tree though because everyone knows that playing on the step stool is much more fun!

So here's our completed tree. The pictures don't do it justice. It's really cute! I love how it looks at night all lit up but unfortunately my pic came out blurry.

The tree was the last of our decorations to go up except for the stocking for Baby D (which I'm planning on making tomorrow!) Now I've just got to finish my cards and shopping!

1 comment:

Curryba said...

You look GREAT!!!!! and the tree is beautiful too!! we have had ours for several days and are still working on decorating it. all our lights were blown. i think tonight might finally be the night to get some Christmas cheer going around the Curry household!