Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Weekend

First baby yet.

This was a wonderful Christmas weekend for us. I hadn't mentioned it here, but Walter has been traveling every weekday since Thanksgiving pulling 60 hour work weeks. He's only been home on weekends and 2 of those weekends he was sick. So, needless to say it's been a long December for our little family. X and I were thrilled to have him home for 4 days straight. He'll be in town now for awhile (because you know, we're supposed to be having a baby and all!)

We had some nice celebrations with my family on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Unfortunately we didn't get to see Walter's side because his mom was sick and we couldn't chance catching something with the baby coming. Hopefully we'll see them soon! Here are some pics from the 2 days.

Isn't this an cute sweater and matching hat combo! This was a great hand-me-down from a friend and X loves the hat.

Baby D and the Christmas tree at my parent's house. Guess 2010 will have to be "Baby's First Christmas".

My yummy apple crisp that I referred to in my previous post. I will never admit to how much of this pan I myself consumed. Was I supposed to share??

The fam after our delicious Christmas Eve dinner.

X trying to steal my ice cream.

While X had some interest in opening presents he was much more excited to clean up the wrapping paper.

The hat boys.

Christmas morning at our house.
Santa brought X some school bus books and a tow truck.
Christmas Day evening we celebrated at my grandma's. Here's X and gpa playing "woogy measure" as he calls it, with his new tape measure.
Me and my gma. See the school bus cake in the back? I told you we were bringing it back out of the freezer for our Christmas dessert. And even after dessert, we STILL had cake left. That thing really was huge.
X was the present-giver-outer.
Saturday and Sunday we used for family days with just the 3 of us. We did things around the house, napped, and just enjoyed finally having time together. Since it snowed a little Walter took X out in the sled in the yard. We ventured out on Sunday to Target and were quite surprised at the lack of people there. I had a return to make and there was no one else in line! I was (pleasantly) shocked. Maybe the snow kept them all away.
So now the hustle and bustle of Christmas is behind us and we are ready for Baby D to make his/her appearance, hopefully very soon!

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